Anyone know where to get pure coconut oil for moisturizing/tanning? Was reading an older post where it got really great reviews for that and...
Looking forward to meeting you! David and Diana...June 26-July 1st.
Hi guys...David and Diana here...we haven't met yet but hoping to catch up with you as we are there June 26-July 1st. Hopefully we'll run into...
Roger that...keep an eye out for us Friday, June 26th as I have no idea what you look like except for your swimwear! Hopefully we can meet up and...
June 26-July 1...first timers here!
dates... We are there for the first time June 26-July 1st...can't wait!
Our dates.. We are there June 26-July 1st...I had the dates wrong in previous post. Looking forward to meeting some cool people!
In reading through the older posts, I found one where someone needed medical attention and the Mexican hospital was hesitant to treat as the...
I will get to see her in them in 26 days! MAYBE! ha ha...I'm in the same boat.
When are you guys there? Hopefully it will coincide! Thanks for the responses...I'm feeling much better about it!
We are there June 26-July 1st...hopefully we'll meet you while there. I can't wait to get there!
Thanks for the advice everyone. I think she will be ok and ease into the vibe.
We are about to visit for the first time and my wife is getting anxious. Question..if we end up at the quiet pool or the beach are we going to...
Thanks Mike and Ange...found it!
:aktion069: Hi! Thanks for the response and looking forward to seeing you all! Realized after I booked dates and flights today that we would...
We will be there (Dave and Diana) June 29-July 1st and really looking forward to it as newbies. Couple of questions...where do we get CC...
Looking forward to seeing you guys too...sounds like a blast!
Us too...Mardi Gras sounds fun!
Thanks Jeff..looking forward to hanging w/ you guys! This is gonna be crazy fun it looks like!
It's official..David and Diana will be there June 26-July 1 and have put our names down for the BC on the 29th! Can't wait! First timers and we...