Hope you are feeling better Donald ... I still have that cough that I can't shake as well .. tiem to go to teh doc i think ... feel better soon!
Is donald gonna post it here? Let me know when it's up! WOo Hoo so glad to be a part of it!
Hope you guys made it home safe and sound! We r still stuck in Chicago till 8 tonight. So awesome to meet and party with you guys ... Helped...
It was our first time there and we had a blast! We will def be going back .... We left yesterday but r still not home as we got stranded in...
Regina to denver to cancun
Does anyone know if there is a pharmacy in the Walmart?
OMG can it be that we finally leave tomorrow! Snowing here today so can't wait .. need lots of booze to kill the sniffles that I seem to have ......
Yes can't wait to get away and get soem r+r and tequila in this system!
LOL I had someone do that to me on New Years eve! LOL laughed so hard the next day thnking wow I musta really been drunk that i dont' remember...
OMG three more sleeps! I can hardly contain myself .... hope these next three days at work go by fast! Can't wait to meet everybody and party...
8 more sleeps till we get there and get to meet you!:daveandmo:
9 more sleeps! Getting so excited to see everyone! Leanne and James April 17 - 24!
Totally rocked it out last night with my daughter at the Hedley concert ... Loving this song right now ......
Bummer we don't arrive till the 17th but I fully expect to have a drink in hand and meeting some of you folks as soon as we arrive! Do they have...
Can't wait! Just means we will have to behave (just a little bit) on our first night there so not having the first day curse! LOL Can't wait to...
Are you guys going to be able to make the Boobs cruise now that it's on the 18th? Hope so! Leanne
Woo Hoo the 18th it is! OMG just 18 more sleeps till we get there!
Our last full day there! Count us in!
29 Days till we are FINALLY at TTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Boobs Cruise is booked for April 20th! Now to fast forward the good...
Woo Hoo Payment in! Can't wait to see everyone! April 17 - 24!