yes, Jemma, I would like to see most of them on here but I have a feeling there are some I'd rather you e-mail to us :lol:
Yes, it was alot of fun... I guess everyone should start planning a reunion trio for next year!!!
Well of course we were the best!!! I think we are still trying to recover! Oh to think what we were doing this time last week!
Jemma, I know you didn't get to the booze cruise yet but thanks again for rescuing me! :angel:
Hey Jemma! Have you both recovered yet? We're trying real hard!!!
Great report- thanks for not posting ALL of the pics! It was a fantastic time!
We just got back last night! For everyone getting ready to go have a great time!! We will be in detox for a bit LOL then we start planning for...
it's late- final packing we will see you on Sat.!!
customs that is. The rest was pretty smooth
I do believe we will miss your crown royal royal jewels! We will be there this Thursday not next!
Not too long if I can remember. It was a pain though!
All I can say is bring it on! We will be ready for whatever we see :lol:
Not sure what Craig will wear, but don't think I can talk him into the Crown Royal bag. That will be something to see!
This time tomorrow we will be there in the sexy pool living it up!!!!!!!
I can't believe it is so close but seems so far! These next 3 days will be busy and hopefully will pass quickly!
Actually I thought it was kind of funny :lol:
ok, not that it really matters, but what exactly is in the purple sh*t? I just may have to try it.
An Excedrin or two and water before you go to bed works for us but it just depends if the caffeine will bother you. If it gets you up early the...
Naomi, you will be fine! Once you get there you will know what I mean. I was reluctant at first, but once I did it was like I had the top off all...
exactly what do they call that shot you are talking about?? Sounds interesting like I just may have to try one of those!