Hey guys... we will be there from the 7th-17th. See you soon!
Hey friend... welcome to the board! You are in for a great vacay with a great group of people!!:daveandmo:
ALRIGHT>>>>> Which one of you keeps outbidding me for all the theme night stuff on ebay??:aktion061:
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!:bowdown:
Hey if you get there 1st, save us a chair by the sexy pool!! We will be there on the 7th too.
Hey guys! Our dates overlap quite a bit. See you there!!
I would recommend sometime between July 7th-17th. I heard the weather will be best that week. [IMG]
Thanks for the friend request. Looks like our dates overlap quite a bit! Going to be one heck of a great time my friend!!
That's freakin hilarious!!
What's up guys!! It is going to be one wild time come July!!
Thanks for reaching out. It is going to be one wild time at TTR for us all!!
Maybe we'll see you sometime between the 7th-17th!!
We're there from the 7th-17th. See you soon!
We will be there from the 7th-17th. Looking forward to meeting you!
Last time we were there they had Fresca
Make that the 7th-17th. We keep adding a day here and there to our trip.
Well.... welcome!! We have a crazy, yet friendly crew for July! Don't forget to check out the Theme Night thread.
See you on the 7th!!