The original purchasers somehow managed to get 28 free nights on their $10k contract. Must have been good negotiators or just bought it at the...
Nice, we'll take you up on that for sure, thanks!
That's great you can make it work for you! We actually bought ours second hand, and because of the price we got it for, we are just not motivated...
2nd week in February trip report- This is our second trip since the renovations, the first was during the opening in October 2017, and it might...
How'd we miss you guys? Hope you had fun at haloween. Bummer we didn't see your message before hand.
Maybe you could give us a little review?
David Carranza is awesome, we would recommend him to anyone. The only way I know how to reach him is on Facebook.
We'll be headed to Pearl Jan 5th 2018 for 6 nights. Anyone else? Our first time at Pearl but we've been to TTR several times and RM a couple times.
Thanks for the great report! We are heading to Pearl for our first time on Jan 5 2018. We have been to TTR and DRM both and love them.
Hey guys, looks like we might run into you on NYE!
We're booked for October 30th!
Hope to meet you both, Oct 28 through Nov 4th for us.
Dates: Oct 28th-Nov 4th Number in group: 4 Boobs cruise - Yes
Hi there! Hit us up, we'll be at GP the same time as you!
Feb 28 to March 6 with another couple as well.
Hotel: Golden Parnassus Dates: Feb 28 - March 6 Number: 4 Boobs cruise: Yes please!
Just missed us... Feb 28 to March 6
Hey there! We have almost the same dates for GP as you guys this year. Hope to meet ya there! Robb and Amy
Also interested in a referral... We'd love to try Breathless in Feb, but the price is about twice of GP or Sens.
Hotel: Golden Parnassus Dates: February Feb 28 - Mar 6 Number in Group 4 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes! Celebrating our friends 30th bday!...