Sounds good , will count on you two to have place "warmed up" lol looking foward to a great week of fun
Have fun Jim don't party too much w/o us . You two need to ride our way sometime later this summer. We are thinking of riding to Lake of...
We agree Dave, worth every penny and then some. We'll be arr. late afternoon the 18th see everyone then.
Looks like the 22nd would be best for us
Hey guys, great TR and pics can't wait till May seeya then Lynn & Ruth
Come on May we are ready now!
Welcome to the May party
Easter trip Dave & Rosa, Have great time over Easter, wish we could make quick one before May. Get the place ready for everyone in May.
Re: new dates We will try to get caught up asap :lol:
new dates Our dates have changed to May18th-25th see everyone then
26 years It's been 26 years for us.