Hooker shoes are a must!!!!!!
If for some reason Rome is tired and you need help with the massage just let me know I'm always willing to help out !!
Thanks Buddy, We don't get there till after lunch on the 3rd so I guess we are going to pass this year. Have fun and enjoy and we will have shots...
Only 17 more days till fun in the sun with all our old and new friends.
Only 25 more days so ready for a much needed vacation:mnm:
You want get a hangover if you dont stop drinking!!!!
She play with he ..... he play with she.... me play with me and fall off balcony :anon:
Stacey your hubby has spoken listen to him!!! Don't worry be happy you are going to have the time of you life !!!:mnm:
Your a wreck !!LOL:clappyinghappy:
Who needs panties ??? :anon:
51 for us !!! so so ready !!!!
We will make sure you are safe but yes you should be scared of the Temptation bug becouse once you have it this will be your new vacation home !!!!
That hurt Edward. .......... see ya soon !!
Could be but so much fun :aktion033:
How about twister ?? LOL
I thought all drinks were on your tab ?????? :ernaehrung015:
This may sound a little crazy but pace your self on drinking on the way there you will catch the first day curse and that makes for a short night...
Hope you get well soon and you need to get back on track with the drinking so you will be ready for May...... juss saynn
Will you put me down for two also ? I will make sure to buy you a shot for the trade..LOL
We are getting so close and the group is looking good also. Great looking profile picture to can't wait to meet you both.