I am and so is my friend coming with me. Aug 28-Sept 4. Woot woot!! Let the party begin!! Shiela
An extra liver if you can get it thru airport security!! ;) Shiela
Well, my dear, since you are going with the bestest ever TTR repeater - ME! I know you will have a super fantastic time! And I'll be sure that...
66 days I do believe!! Woohoo!! :p Shiela
Haha!! Oh yeah...I know about that. Poor Tim!!! :wink3:
Oh sweet! I'll have to see if I can come up with some drinks for Tim to make that will dump him. Lol..maybe I'll bring a bartender outfit for...
Sending you thoughts and prayers from Iowa! Shiela
Only the best for my friends, Dave!!! :mnm:
Doctor Shiela will write that 'prescription' for everyone while at Bart and Annette's. I'll be sure to write it so that it covers you until your...
I'll try to plan a few of the same dates so I get to see you this time!!! :aktion030:
Beer me please! Or should we have a little moon shine or some whipped cream or some vodka lemonade??? Decisions, decisions!!! Okay, one of each...
I'm heading on my 16th trip to TTR. (wll, I think 16, maybe 17) :icon_biggrin: My hubby and I fell in love with it the first time we went and...
Haha..for some reason I'm always told as I get on the boat that I'm going to be someone's 'bitch' for the day. Gotta love vacation and great...
I know! It feels like it's been forever! Shiela
Hey! Please leave that sour pussy crap at home on this trip!! Omg..that was nasty!! See you soon! Shiela
Woot woot...I'll be returning in May of 2014!!! Shiela
69 days...woot woot!! Come on August 28th!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
I'd have to agree with Vic and Chantelle. I never take my towels back on the same day that I get them - it's always the next day. Haha..normally...
Welcome to the crazy party!!! You'll have a great time!! Let loose, relax and have some serious fun!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
So you are feeling more relaxed, huh??? Haha - I'll be sure to get you 'well seasoned' while we are there, okay maybe not as much as I am, but...