Dude - we gotta get your picture on here so we know who you are. :-) Only 41 days!!! But who's counting??? Shiela
We'll see you by the pool!! :) Shiela
Welcome to the crazy! Our days overlap a bit. See you by the pool! Shiela
[IMG] Chinos of the Corn - good times!
Welcome to the crazy fun!! :) Shiela
[IMG] To all my Cancuncare friends- from Redneck Illinois. You can all kiss my..... Yeee haw!! Chinos of the Corn
[IMG] Thank you very much for a great time. Bucket list check offs...moon shine, rootbeer, won cornhole!!! Shiela and Chinos of the Corn
You re gonna love it! Be sure to get an avatar added before you go so folks know who are. I'll look for you at the bar on the 28th...that's when...
Welcome to the party!!! Shiela
Well...hello, crazy! Nice to meet you! ;) Shiela
My arm could probably be twisted. (Insert me twisting my own arm) :D Shiela
Absolutely not!!! Shiela
Holy crikey! That's alot of crazy at one time!! Woohoo!! Shiela
You got that right! I know that at least 2 of my crew will be going on the 30th!! Sooooo ready!! Shiela
Let the packing start!!! :) Shiela
If you haven't been to TTR in May, you must give it a try!! Awesome time! Ok, we'll, anytime is awesome, but that's when I'll be there next....
I'm thinking that may be what he ends up as. Haha...or a cowboy so he can lasso up all the indians running around the pool! :-) Shiela
You got it!! :D Shiela
Holy crap!!! Now I'm double excited!!!! Triple excited!!! :-) Shiela
Welcome to the party!! :lotsofmichaelfs: