Boobs Cruise Tentative Reservation List – Remember this is only a tentative reservation! You must sign up when the actual cruise reservations open...
Latest update done!!! We're up to 532... we were at 593 about this time last year so we're in the ballpark... Jamie
Actually what you are running into is the difference between a "profile Picture" which you have loaded and an "Avatar Picture". The Avatar...
They are listed daily up in the roll call for each day. Jamie
Latest updates done!!! Added the BOOBs Cruises!!! :flash: We're up to 517!!!!! Jamie
What are your first names? Jamie
Yeah but even once in a while you have to have a tee-shirt you can wear around home to get your money's worth out if it. :) Jamie
College frat party for adults. Fun party in public and if people want to hook up they head up to their rooms, have fun and come back to the party....
I have to agree with Donald. If it was just the guests you would have TTR up and down the hotel zone. You would have had it at the Viva (if that's...
Derrick...Derrick...Derrick.... Do I NOT take care of you?????? Check the first page at the bottom of the first post and it talks about the...
Ya'll done good!!! :) You gave me you names, dates and picture all in one post. :) I'll get you added in the next update.. welcome to the...
Tom (Icecube) usually brings a shit load of bracelets and I think he is planning to do the same this year. He arrives on the 6th. Otherwise you...
Thanks.... PS... if any of our friends across the pond want to order and have them delivered, I'll be there the 13th through the 28th. You can...
PS... if any of our friends across the pond want to order and have them delivered, I'll be there the 13th through the 28th. You can send them to...
Linoleum licking! :) Jamie
Back by popular demand are the MAYhem tee-Shirts with a new addition for 2016!!! Check them out at :
OK.. I don’t normally post this stuff in public, but lots of folks have asked where I’ve been, why have I been so quiet, etc… so in the effort of...
Latest update done.. we're at 490 about 100 behind last year. :( But hey! We can still party!!!!! :lotsofmichaelfs: Jamie