Wondering why you disliked my post in the October Roll Call. :) Did I offend you or something or was it a mis-click. \ Jamie
Your accent is the last thing I think of when I think of you. ;) Jamie
I was welcoming the Aussies to the website and Temptations.. :) Jamie
Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Oi! Oi! Oi!.... Welcome north to the devils playground!!!! Jamie
I remember years ago there was this guy from Canada named Randy... by the time he left we were referring to him as Inventory. He came for three...
Yeah, its so wide open at this point that I'm sweating being able to get out on the 10th for a business trip to Milwaukee. If it's going to hit...
See the title "Clothing for Newbies" and the first thing that comes to mind is "Overrated".... Jamie
16th is the grand opening party and the other is around Halloween... both would figure to be sold out.
Just a curiosity question... when most people aren't happy with the $300 a night new rates, why would you begrudge people paying the reported...
Just a reminder that you would be the source of that video making it's appearance on the internet through this forum.... if you post it somewhere...
Or he just looks at you, shakes his head, and says "Oh shit...." Jamie
They were spiking the husbands drink to get him out of the way.. She took him back to the room and stayed there. Jamie
Looking at the article I have one question... they were doing shots in the pool with a group of people.... did no one notice the girl face down in...
I think we found the roof top bar... on top of the Chinese restaurant. Looks to be the top of a palm tree off the back, glass walls and no beach...
I seriously need better drugs or a vacation to TTR...... new rooftop BAR... SMH... new rooftop bar.... trying to figure out where that would be......
Did anyone notice the comment about the new rooftop pool in the FAQ? Haven't seen that mentioned before...
Seeing those waves reminds me of one trip where I went to Carlos and Charlies with the hotel, back when it was on the bay side. Back when your...
This is the one that works for me. 3 aspirin before bed and Gatorade in the morning for breakfast. Had a friend once that was looking sick and...
Your walk the beach or pool back home and say.. "Now there's TTR material!" You talk to people of all ages at your local pool and are surprised...
Besides, wasn't everyone saying if the bar and pool are open who cares about the rest? :) Jamie