Looking forward to it.Getting way to much snow here.
We are booked from the 26th 0f march to the 2 nd of April.yee ha
April 2014 We will be headed again at the end of March/1st or second week of April.Can't wait.
Hi guys.hows it goin? We are getting ready to head back.
Here in Maine we always say " A drunken turkey always taste better then a cold Turkey"..lol..
Were looking forward to meeting these fine dolls if they're still there in a few days..lol.. [img]
Sounds good!
We arrive on the 29th also.See you soon.
I agree.
We might be interested.See you soon.
What time do u guys get in?
Can not wait to meet u guys.
Ok.we will be expecting you.
That sucks.
Can not wait to meet you.
Sounds like a plan!
Boobs cruise We are all booked and counting down the days!!