Game on
We're sticking to our roots..Go Team USA!:usa1: but in the end which ever team wins we'll give a shout out in victory..
How about who can switch bathing suits the fastest with opposite sex? Now that would be funny!
We'll have a day before you leave back home to sling some drinks. This will be our 2nd trip at TTR.
Twister? Now that could be interesting..
Madonna~like a virgin(touch for the very first time):aktion031: Arnold~defiantly for his registered hands.:aktion069:
We've thought about October but always picked the spring time. Love this time of the year. It gets us refreshed for the summer time ....
Speaking of the Boob Cruise , Does anyone know where to get the alcohol infused whip cream?
It's just really fun time.
Doesn't sound very appetizing ...:huh:
We'll see you there..
Hi guys, we'll be there around the same time. March27-April3rd. Looking forward in meeting new people.
We're there March 27th-3rd.. We're 100% in on the boob cruise!:huepfen013: this will be our 3rd trip to cancun 2nd trip to TTR.. We are very...
2 for the 30th.
It would depend on which day,but I'm sure we would most likely do the tour.and thanks j adore seins on keeping me straight.
Nice.thanks for your help.
Sorry Trina,as you probably know,I was tiring to write Chichen Itza Tour.
We are interested.We planned for at least one day to do something like the chicken it's a.Let us know what day.Thanks.