LMAO yep I dont think iam going to play under these conditions :orangehat:
cool see ya in A few days hold down the fort
right across from where you get you bags and get in line to go out theres A small store
second part of sept like where doing in 5days
we cant book till we get back It wont let us but we will as soon as we get back or at least start looking for good deals
ok start saving
you would miss the dogs dummy
5days 14hours 14mins and counting :ernaehrung015::ernaehrung015::aetsch004:
maybee we will find the shirt glen left at stinkys cant wait your right its going to be fun
6days 16hours 1min till we land :lotsofmichaelfs:
well you always have A way of making me laugh I could picture you telling them that :icon_razz:
7days 16hours 24min till we land yahoo :aetsch004:
11days 12hours 40min till the fun begins :huepfen021:
welcome aboard should be fun
exspress check in done usa transfer booked just waiting for the 12th
sounds good see ya saturday :lotsofmichaelfs:
12days 13hours and 37min till touch down :beer4:
ya no geting sick this year got to make up for last year :xyxthumbs:
never had A problem I always take my applecider vineger one shot every morning
good try glen I will try and help but no sambuka for me I'll be drinking tequila so kathy dont drink to mutch but we both know that wont happen...