well have A great time we hope to go In april long ways off
I might be slow but I got one In for ya
I like the crown good stuff :xyxthumbs:
boras Is A great guy and dose A great job you would be In good hands I have been on 11 dives with him they were great I asked him about the under...
that would be sweet
60 times dam Im slacking bin 5 times working on 6 but I always take applecider vinager one shot A day and chase it with v8 think It kills everything
Well im hungery now guess we have to book another trip
what kind of person can be that boring or that hard to please whats not to love about ttr
hay the crown was great I found the bottom thanks where going to try and go back sept 12th to the 21st if posable hope to see ya there agian had A...
good luck hope every thing goes well
he really enjoyed it! thanks again. was great meeting you guys as well!! hope to see you again. let us know when you might be going back!
It was graet meeting you love the trip report I new you would miss the party scene hope we meet up agian some time where going to try and go back...
well we head back to texas about 2:30 on the 22nd so you get to take over have A safe trip
10hours till take off brenda we have to extra orange band for ya if you want see ya at the air port
that was great cant wait leave tomorrow to work on A trip report are self hope we have as good A trip as you
22 1/2 hours will be in the air yahoo :icon_lol:
that sounds awsome see ya there
that will be the funest race to have cause no body realy loses win win shot shot yumyum :wave:
1day 14hours 44min getting closer prity mutch all packed ready for A shot or two:huepfen013:
4days 10hours 40min till we land