now I have to go cant miss that
O ya I think its A good thing there ant sound to this
got to votes in 60 61 all get the some more for ya two good luck still working on april :aktion069:
where going to try and make it in april 19th to 26th hope to see ya there
I remember that had to make her eat before she could have A shot or A beer
well new spa member ship so off to the gym then home and hopefuly get lucky :aktion033:
If they did I would still be In school
yes you did I heard it ha ha
well thats the way we do it kathy takes about that many and I take 3 hope we get to come down in april shooting for 19 to 26th depending kathys...
we never had A problem with the safes ether accept for geting drunk and working it rong probly put the wrong nuber in it when we shut it but they...
I dont care where we meet I just wont to be there
that definitely is the longest week ever
I agree between karen moniqe and kathy they could open A shoe store at ttr
no no no make it the middle 11th to 20th :beer4:
well we want to but kathys boss is being A ...., but where going to still try
thats funny I dont remember the blah blah part at all :angel1:
thats what I say you have to do at least one bus ride just for the adventure Its great :xyxthumbs:
great report glad you made it home safe I think I would have pooped my pants
usa transfers is the best and fastest we use them every time now nice trip report Im ready to go back
slc utah hope to make it in april