well all I can say Is dido thay do A great job
chiefboy and k montoya are aboard :cheerleaders:
28days 17hours 25min It getting closer :aktion033:
29days 12hours 27min 30sec where geting closer :flash::flash::daveandmo:
same here 13th or 14th will work see ya there
I sure hope so cant wait
you dount whanna burn It hurts here we go 33days 15hours 40min :huepfen021:
will see ya there 9-12 to9-22 phil & kathy utah
Its A bad habit but some bodys got to do it I dont like seeing butts on the ground ether hope to quit some day
will save ya A drink by the pool what time do you get there
hay It will be my fifth to so after we plead the fifth will drink It 34days 16 hours not that im counting :aktion033:
well every bodyhas About coverd what I could say so congrats see ya In sept hopfully :huepfen021:
go under april addics 2013 I think most are going the first week great group
well 36 days 14 hours and 44 min thats all we talk about know wish you where going the same time carriejean
yep that would be nice It dontseem like Itsbeen that long sense april dont think will be able to do It that close agian
and time so lets go 41 day 13 hours 51 min 10 sec
yep should be fun will have to go the same time next year because kathys boss so mabee you can plan for that