Thanks,for all the info-its easy to stay up till 4am but not 7 days in a row-so a little quiet time would be nice.
Hey you two-we leave Feb 7-14 so i think we miss you guys-too bad would have been good to party. sounds like you two will have lots of fun there
We Just got bumped from leaving at 6am till 1pm on a thursday and dont get in till 7pm so im think 8-8:30 then right to thursday night lingerie...
Thanks guys-not that we will be in any room that much anyways-being our first trip and all to temptations-and NO KIDS with us:clappyinghappy:
Do you guys call ahead to book a certain room or just wait till you get there-this is our first trip in Feb to temptations
we will be "2" in for Saturday Feb 9th
So is it wrong to book two if they fall in the same week you are there or will the liver not handle that. Its our first tri, keep that in mind feb...
Nice to see some new photos-looking great
Hey guys-trip is coming up very soon cant wait, along with theme nights and booze cruise you planning anything, we are going to do the zip line...
School girls outfit, white shirt, 6 sets of sexy stuff, 5 new Malibu strings bikinis. White night stuff. Couldn't help ourselves once we started...
Hey Guys Trevor and Patricia here. we are there feb 7-14 lets have some drinks when down there and party-we need to get the theme nights going...
Trevor and Patricia here, we are there 7-14 first time and cant wait-need to get some theme nights going like week 8 need help since our first time;-)
how was the trip-send or post some photos-we go in Feb for the first time. cant wait to go been fricken cold and snowing.
Great to see the photos-awesome looking couple-looks like we are going to have a blast;-) can't get there fast enough-need to start planning some...
Hey guys down there around same time-first time-maybe get together for drinks Trevor and Patricia
Trevor and Patricia there Feb 7-14-try to get together for some drinks and fun times-our first time at temptations
Thanks for the comments-yours are stunning;-)
Thats sounds great, what time you guys get in. we have direct flight but i think we dont get there till about 7pm. so have drinks waiting-theme...
Hi There-Patricia and Trevor here-our first time going and around the same time-all us newbies will be looking to you for guidance. Cant wait to...
Hello also. Trevor and Patricia Feb 7-14-we will need to start planning some theme nights-any suggestions-never been but already been buying;-)...