Hey guys we are there 5-13.. See you there
Booked for 2 and can't wait.. See you all there
Boobs cruise Booked and paid deposit for 2..can't wait
Thats funny our Farm kids didnt go to school either Monday Tuesday..but they had no problem getting to hockey practice in town at 4:45
see you guys there-Feb 5-13..you should book the boobs cruise on the 9th..going to be fun
Hey no problem..thats what friends are for..and what else are we suppose to do in -35 weather except be on CCC where it is warm..
Feb 9th 4 for the 9th..Whatapair and Pairofdocs
Be there feb 5-13 so overlap a few days..see you there
Thanks for the friends...see you guys are there when we are..we get in Feb 5-13...cant wait
Always room for a few more :3some::3some::
Our water main from the street froze last night.. No water..hot tub full and warm
Whatever night we decide on Harley night we will be in..since we missed getting together this year in Sturgis this should be fun.
Sturgis 2014.. for sure...lets plan it
In Regina now for the grey cup... -24 degrees and sunny... Go Riders :cool:
Thanks for the friends request--looks like we might have a night to party together
Why Don't you just call this the "69" week Group as it would cover all the dates (week 6 to week 9)
north of Regina about 2 hours...will be at Grey cup also..Bring a Toque..Sorry But GO RIDERS lol
Thanks for the friends request..we will be at temptation Feb 5-13..
LOTTO MAX 6/49 in Canada is $50 million on tonights draw..