Any suggestions on where to do the exchange? We did a toy exchange in the sports bar one time before everyone went to dinner (6pm ish) and that...
We have done the Airport-Pearl-Temptation-Airport a few times thru USA transfers. Pretty sure we paid $105 last July
Agree totally with that. It is a lot of fun and you will find something to do most of the day. We would definitely be interested in spending a day...
3 places get stuff to us pretty quickly. Amazon Prime, Yandy, and Pastease. Yandy seems to have the cheapest prices and a great selection
Jen says "Why not?" so we are in also
Okay, 30 days till we board that plane, guess Jen and I better start paying attention to the forum! See ya soon
Well, once she warms up to ya, good luck getting the clothes back on! See you between July 5th-20th. Dave & Jen
The other Jen & Dave will miss you two this year unless you make a return trip in July
Oddly enough, there were two Jen & Dave couples last yr around the 4th of July, but I am sure we met also.
Jen & Dave will be back for our 8th? trip to TTR Cancun July 5-20. Looking to meet old friends and meet some new ones!
Got home last night after a 9 day trip to TTR. We both had a couple down days due to stomach problems (first time in numerous trips) but still had...
We used to bring the Kevlar coated work gloves to the gardeners when the Cabo TTR was open, they could'nt get them in that area at the time. They...
Jen & I land at 6 am Sat, should be at breakfast for mimosas by 8!
One thing we found out was our "Free" weeks were taken out of our allotted nights also. Could not find that in the fine print.
I don't believe the intent is for the men to wear the electrical tape, that just seems odd!
Usually it depends on the day of the week, seems like Fri, Sat and Sunday departures are really busy in the downtown area. Never had a problem mid...
I think most people will go with the Rockstar outfit, we are bringing both! We will attempt to apply some electrical tape and depending on how...
We got you covered for the Electrical tape party on the 22nd, bringing 7 rolls of tape in assorted colors:biggrinbandit:
scrunchy bun suits are the best!
Hope to see you two in the sexy pool, let's have a drink or 10!