Dates April 4-10 2 of us BC / Maybe
We have been on the yacht a few times and highly recommend it! A couple of times, when we did not know a lot of others that would be there the...
Hopefully we are booked April 4-10, just waiting on the confirmation letter!
Darn it, we were going to see if we could make it up from Tulum in time for the kick off but we will at least be there to great the boat as it...
Off to the airport in 12 hours, Tulum tomorrow morning! See you in the sexy pool on the 18th
Think all our shopping is done, hope all her pasties get here by Fri afternoon!
Jen & Dave will be there Oct 18-25, celebrating our early retirement!
Jen & Dave will be there 18-25, looking forward to this trip!
Jen & Dave will be there Oct 18-25 after a few days in Tulum, looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones!
Dates: Oct 18-25 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise: Yes Jen & Dave
We finally booked for 10/18-25, looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. We will be spending a few days before our trip to...
All checked in for the flight and room request! Plane leaves at midnight, be in Zombie mode around 8am for breakfast in the buffet.
I think our favorite people watching is the 2am last minute desperate SM's trying to put the moves on the ladies. If they weren't so drunk they...
Jen has done liquid latex body paint, it is a lot easier than you would think!
July l5-20th for us, starting out with the Pasty exchange on the 5th, 5 yr anniversary on the 12th hopefully with some friends on Isla Mujeres,...
Pretty sure we will up for a day in Isla on the 12th, we can discuss it at PatyO's or the pool before that date!
In the past we have taken the Boobs cruise early in our trip, then if we meet some other adventurous couples or singles we felt comfortable with,...
Getting the cigar bar with a bartender is not worth the effort or cost involved. The resort needs to move a stocked bar, supply a bartender, and...
As long as your lower privates are covered when you are walking around, you should be ok. mini pasties are good for the tatas but occasionally you...
I think we can make it also