WHEW!!!! Thanks for that, my faith in humanity is restored. But if it WAS real, would she have to pay extra for the boob cruise?
Florida Woman Undergoes Surgery To Add Third Breast - NewsLinQ This is just WRONG!!!!! I can't wait to hear the comments.
I wear my sunglasses so I can gawk at ladies without being detected..... ....at their shoes of course.
I, uh, ..... ahem. I need to confess. I went to 'reserve' a couple seats by the sexy pool at 4:30 am, and left a couple of cheap flip flops...
Of course it's appropriate. For a NUN! :eek: [IMG]
Booked for two! :lotsofmichaelfs:
I think somebody did that to me once.
Please let me know what you figure out. We'll be there the 25th for the Rutgers game. Go Big Red!
You won't need to make a wal-mart run for water, there is plenty of bottled H20. The maids will leave a couple bottles in your room every day,...
Canada and America share a common lineage in history. The main thing that separates us is where the political lines were drawn. Canadians are...
Hope to meet you someday Jim. you look like somebody I could party with!
We'll be on the cruise on the 22nd too. See you there!
We'll be there! Can't WAIT!!!
I've met a bunch of folks who are non-drinkers at Temptation and other places, and they have as much fun as anyone! Congrats on the sobriety!
Will be at TTR early on the 20th and leave the 26th! And yes, we'll be on the cruise on the 22nd! Can't wait
1996 - Delta flight from LAX to New Orleans And those airplane bathrooms are TINY!
Who is this mythical beast?
You're gonna have to just show it off and let us judge! Seriously, NO! There are bound to be some hot bodies in model perfect condition. Most...
Lots of vitamin C works wonders. I like a glass of cranberry juice right before bed. Also, I tend to avoid the fruity mixed drinks. I'd rather...
The Aqua Marina Hotel/Resort is just next door. It has free wi-fi in the lobby. (Yes, I'm cheap)