I can't speak from experience regarding developers, but I think the reason why individual people are so steadfast in their prices, is that the...
And it helps even less that these shows are totally unrealistic, especially the older serials and movies that come across Mexican cable. For...
That's a distinct possibility......and as an afterthought, maybe the reporter said "revenue" ..and not "readership." ....because that would also...
That's correct, and my error for not mentioning that. I guess most of you in Cancun fly back to the States, since it's so convenient. But for...
I hear you there, and at first I thought so too. But most of their money is made from advertising, and I would think that would be more of a...
OK, so I should have said, "readership" Hope that makes you happy. But I believe I got that figure from CNN, so take it for what it's worth. I...
There's a new passport card out now. Seems a helluva lot more convenient than the book, although I never have my passport on my person in Mexico....
I didn't want this thread to turn into a political battleground, as I don't think that was the intention of the original poster. And in fact, what...
The NYT in big financial trouble? They got what they deserved.
Just today on the morning news, they announced a new fat reduction procedure, using ultrasound, instead of any invasive procedure, such as...
TJ, yeah I was wondering what will happen to your friend who discontinued his home phone service, because in about 6 months, the phone company...
I have been "moving" to Mexico for about 3 years now. As I still have an unsold house in Florida, I make the drive back and forth every 4-6...
.....And what happens if you (later) discontinue your phone service in the US, after signing up with MJ ????
Here in Veracruz, winds are gusting to over 45 mph, and they say there will be gusts to 60 or better, before this is all over with. I can look out...
RG, I would bet that to be correct.....The foreign markets didn't tumble until ours did, and at the first part of last year, the DOW was still...
I've been upgraded twice to business class on Spirit. Really great to be up in the front of the plane, as one is close to being first in line at...
A few weeks ago, my Cancun lady booked RT to Ft. Lauderdale for $215 on Spirit. She's leaving the 20th, right close to Christmas. I would check a...
Sorry.....My above post was supposed to go on another thread....Oh well chalk it up to another senior moment. Cancun is obviously different...
I speak from limited experience in Cancun, as I have not been here all that much. I currently live in Veracruz. But here are a few observations:...
I think about all you'll find in Cancun, is Dengue Fever. (there are two types, A & B) But even that is rare, if you are close to the beach. The...