To answer your other two questions, You have to be out of country for either 24 or 48 hours (It's one of those things where, if you hadn't asked,...
I must be missing something here. I have had my house for over 4 years, and my fideicomiso hasn't gone up one centavo, except for when they raised...
Owning property outright is not a possibility here in Mexico, (within 50 km. of a navigable waterway or other "restricted" zone) unless you become...
Go to a local mariscos restaurant and see if they have "huevos de naca", or "huevos de lisa" on their menu. The latter is mullet roe, not sure...
I don't know why any of you all who plan on being here more than 5 years, don't go ahead and get FM-2's. The original visa is 3400 pesos, and...
The Transitos are probably afraid to pull over a big SUV with it's windows all tinted.....afraid they'll have UZI for lunch.:biggrinbandit: If...
Sorry....I was writing as TJ was posting Cancun Canuck is absolutely right in the "no panic" department, and also brings up a good point about...
Hurricanes have been a part of my life, for most of my adult years. From 1976 when I was a fishing guide in the Keys, to now. Currently I live...
Tori, you don't need a job or offer of a job, in order to get an FM-3 (or FM-2 for that matter). I had an FM-3 for 4 years and just got my FM-2,...
I have just the opposite problemhere in Veracruz. I invited about 4-5 people to have some shrimp and beer, and at least 20 showed up. It was...
V and Jen, I BELIEVE that when I wired money from the States to Mexico, to pay for my house, that the bank (BoA) converted it to Pesos in the U.S....
I wonder if at least some of this isn't due to the fact that especially in Q.R., so many big ticket items are listed in dollars. Especially real...
Telmex just started advertising phone, internet, and unlimited calls to the US for 999 pesos a month. Right now that's about $80 USD. I think...
Someone asked what the CURP code meant. Here it is: The CURP code is composed of 18 characters that are assigned as follows: The first...
I don't know how they do it in Cancun/Quintana Roo, but I believe I have THE original of my escritura (has that holographic sticker on it) and not...
MAN WOULD I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!......Especially since the IRS deems a fideocomiso to be a foreign trust. What a hassle THAT was last year! Jim,...
My MJ works perfectly in Veracruz, and people in the States think I have returned home. You might check the speaker settings on your computer, but...
I agree wholeheartedly with TJ, and my vehicle is also registered in Florida, so I do not have a front plate, either. I would also add that...
I doubt I will be going back that early, as I have a tentative date to fish in the Keys toward the end of April. But I have made the trip to...
First of all, I feel fairly certain that you CAN maintain your permiso if you change to FM-2 status. This is what I've always understood, and in...