I'll probably get a lot of flak for this, but in light of the slap in the face that Mexico received from the US, both during and after this Fast...
Rawkus, I believe Cancun/Quintana Roo is one of those cities/states that allow the change from FM-3 to FM-2, after just one year. This topic came...
If the US gave that extra 10-15 billion dollars, I wonder how much of it would actually go where it was intended, and what percentage would be...
The overall problem is, as I see it, is that since Calderon's crackdown, the cartels have been hurting for "membership," if you will. So just like...
Are you guys SURE that there is ethanol in Mexican gas? This is very important to me, not because of my car, but because of my boat. Ethanol...
I am hoping you are correct, TJ. I just renewed my FM-2 and the old law states that a permiso is valid as long as the FM-2 (or FM-3) is valid....
Steve, Inland Cuba is a bit "higher up", and might be slightly drier there. Perhaps this is best seen from the north side, but the whole Island...
One has to go to Catastro to register the ESCRITURA with the municipio in which the property is located. To do this, you bring the escritura,...
My fees have never gone up either, and I am about to pay for the 6th year. Methinks something is afoul with those other banks. The only...
As far as restaurants go, I don't know what you mean by being "unsafe," un less it is the chance that you could be an innocent victim in a...
Wow....I can just picture the Chinese mafia putting up with all this crap from the Zetas. Talk about "no mercy," ...those guys don't mess around...
Sorry ToriB, .....once again I forgot that y'all live in a heavy tourist area. In most of Mexico, where they do not see anywhwere near the numbers...
TJ, I don't think that is ever going to happen, especially now. An FM-3 is nothing more than an FMM that is good for 1 year, rather than just 6...
Unless you are 60 or older. I am told that those people are exempt from the test. Yes, I also believe I read this somewhere in the laws. No, I do...
If you have friends in Puebla, you are good as gold. I passed through there long before dark, so even going somewhat slower, you should too. I...
IMO, you're better off, staying overnight a little east of Houston, like Beaumont or Orange Tx.....or even the last exit off I-10 in Louisiana,...
TJ.....Please let us know what you find out, regarding this 7.5 million exemption. As said, my house is for sale but I do not have an RFC, either....
I agree with all that people have said about Cd. Victoria and Tampico. You can add Tuxpan to that list as well. IMO it is a dirty pathetic little...
I wonder what the demand is now, for foreign pot, in California, since it can now be grown legally, and purchased legally. I mean, I am sure there...
With regards to your quote, I am wondering why the escritura would not be proof enough for actual purchase date (I'm sure it is) and then they can...