No shit, lol....that's awesome!!! U bringing both pairs with u?
Oh ya??? Usually 13, but often find 12s decent
Lol...great movie....I would rock the cowboy boots with u if I had em....its actually gonna be the one aspect of my chuck norris outfit that's...
My hero for years now.....what temptation is all about [MEDIA] FUN FACT... I whole heartedly agree with what u say and wanted to find an...
Lol, comin from you, I'm not sure if u are talking baggage or body, wise, we are hoping to finish things off this weekend,...
Lol...That is definately a way to interpret it
If you dont know what it means......You will soon find out!!!.....Cant wait to party with everyone!!!! [ATTACH]
Well shit.....maybe we should be doing "birthday hats & heels" that night
Lol, not if u expect to be functioning enough to attend a work got 4 awesome days/nights of partying ahead of u.....just gotta...
Definately!! How long you staying for???...gonna be a great time!!! Lots of veteran temptation partiers on here so dont be afraid to ask anything...
10 days to go for us!!! So excited and anxious, these next 10 days are gonna suck. Clearly an awesome party ahead......cant wait to meet all u...
THEY HAVE ARRIVED!!! Between these bad boys and @K-Passa 's giant inflatable penis (AKA the shitshow flag) shouldnt be hard for anyone to find...
We take it as well. Just picked up our booster perscription yesterday. Gonna be taking it soon
Not to worry....there are lots of people crossing over. Gonna be a great group of people there when u are there too.....we will prime them nicely...
The first few days of it were a bit rough, I drop 10 in the next few weeks before the trip I will be stoked, let alone...
Curious how muscle mass is used in that equation? I was 245 about a year ago but in no way was I significantly muscular or anything close to the...
From what I hear, some of the best fun at temptation is after the lights go out