Looking forward to seeing you guys!
Ok, we have 9 couples total, so we will close it out to more. Everyone please comment below if you’re willing to HOST, or just want to TAG ALONG....
We partied with a group of gay guys in September. They were a fun bunch. We are there Feb 2-9. Look us up if you’re there during that time!
You just do. Look at our post a little way down the page.
We have started thread for the Feb 5 room crawl. So far, 7 couples are participating. Joins us for the fun!
I think we planned to meet last year and didn’t do so well with the plan. Let’s try again this time!
[ATTACH] Easy one!
Putting this out there for those who would like to participate, and host. When we did this last February, aside from a bunch of us getting stuck...
We will set this up on a week or two.
We will miss you as well! In 2019, we are going Feb 2-9 and June 15-22.
Labor Day is an awesome weekend. If you go, it is a great party. Sadly, we won't be able to make it in 2019.
Get ready for an unimaginably fun time!
Thanks! Feb 2-9.
We go the first or second week of February, and then again over Labor Day. We can't do Labor Day this year, and decided to become Junkies.
We've never been June Junkies before, but we're in! 15-22. Trip 8 for us!
We've been coming to TTR for 4 years now, twice a year. We went to Hedo for about 5 hours while we were on the Bliss Cruise last month. We went...
Booked for Feb 4 & 8!
Are you guys coming in February?
Yup, I got it wrong. Let's try this again: Super Bowl us on the 3rd. Boobs Cruise is on the 4th. We're going on that cruise. We can do it on...
Well, the Super Bowl is the 4th, and the Monday Boobs Cruise is the 5th. We're going on that cruise. We will be in no shape to go in the 5th. Is...