As of Friday, all airlines that fly within/to/from the US have been “directed” to give refunds, not just travel vouchers. Feds direct airlines...
Miss you guys, too! We will have to coordinate a trip somewhere!
Unfortunately, we were booked with, and that was a hot mess. In the end, it worked out, but it was a nail biter. We will be...
About us: we are 8x TTR veterans, 4 pre renovations, 4 post. We have gone 2x a year each year. This year, due to family commitments, we...
The last 2 times we have been, tequila volleyball consisted of volleyball in the sexy pool. Whoever (a specific person) was responsible for losing...
In 2019, we went in February and June. They played “Tequila Volleyball” midday (most days) by the fun holes. It was lots of fun, unless you got...
While we did not use them for our TTR trip, we did book Hedo with them. We did not get an email, so we assumed we were in the clear. We called...
We saw it there (Kristie had a spritz) when we were there in June.
Insert picture of comic book guy here.
Not Las Vegas, but Barcelona...
Great trip report. Thanks for sharing!
We have had huge success using You post an ad looking for what you need, and get applicants. In our area, we have had much interest in...
Sorry guys, not til next year...
They also positioned the foam machines all around the pool, including 1 or 2 in the swim up bar. Seemed to be a more "professional" kind of job,...
We took a red-eye, and landed at Cancun around 10:30. Immigration and customs took about an hour, and as usual, USA Transfers was waiting for us...
We returned home from Temptation on Saturday. We’d get to the buffet for breakfast around 11. There were seats available each day at that time.
We returned home yesterday, and will write a trip report of our own. We did want to chime in, as we were on this particular cruise, henceforth...
That really sucks. We arrive in 5 days. We’re not on a referral, but we will help you drink your worries away!
Great report!
Thanks for the great report!