Next time you're in Colorado. .. Look us up! We know of several places you can nude hot tub! :-)
Hey all, Tony and Melissa here... we were wondering about folks coming to DP in October. We've never been and are really looking forward to it!...
Hi Steve. ..I know I begged (and I'm sure annoyingly so) you before about hopefully having a cruise on like the 11th or 12th... But that would be...
HOLY WHOA!!! Just found this thread and we're SSOOOO behind!! It's like 500 pages!! lol. Well...just wanted to say hi to all you from me and...
HOLY COW!! Getting more and more pumped!! We go to sleep 40 more times and we're on our way to CANCUUUN!!! Hopfully we get to meet you guys...
TOTALLY agree with you on that! That's why we wanted to try both this year on the same trip! :)
Hey guys.. we'll be there at the same time as you. Hopefully we can hang out?
hey guys... we're going to be there from the 10th-13th. 1st Part of our trip is at desire pearl, but would be great to meet you two!
Steve if there is ANY way that a boobs cruise could happen either the 11th or 12th, we'd be in your eternal debt!! :flash:
Hey guys... Tony and Melissa here. We spoke on the desire pearl forum. Cant wait to get to desire AND ttr! I know we're going to have an...
Just cant wait!!! :) Please be on the look out for us since you'll have already locked the place down!
Thanks for the friend request! We are going to be at desire pearl from 10/08 and then moving to temptation from 10/10 to 10/13. Are you guys...
Thanks guys! We are super excited and cant wait!
Totally Agree!! Boobs cruise is an absolute blast!!
That's great to know! Thanks Nikki! Please keep us posted as we're pretty new to this forum thing! :-)
Boobs Cruise in October pretty Please Hi Steve... My girl and I went on the boobs cruise last year in november and LOVED it and want to do it...
Oct 10-13 Hi All... hope to see old friends and make new ones!!! We'll be arriving Oct10th thru Oct13th!