Jesse, we don't get in until the 28th, so we'll help ya' keep the hatches battoned down. :ernaehrung015:
But you love us! :wink3:
Corsets are always acceptable attire at TTR! Masks are fine, but will probably get sweaty. Fireball challenge? I'm in!
Crap! I knew there was something I forgot to add to my shopping list, lol!
Add two more for the December 2nd cruise, please. It appears that's the only one we can make, as we arrive on the 28th. Guess that means we'll...
We haven't been since 2012 either. See ya' there! =)
I'm a fan of Paty-O's! Oh wait you mean the kind that blow . . . wait, what? (How did all of ya'll miss the opportunity for that joke?)...
Hmmm . . . It sounds like Chris and I may have to make a trek over there, too, as ya'll know what happened the last time he did tequila shots on...
What I typically do is visit a few of my favorite costume/lingerie websites and search for outfits/costumes in that category. That usually sparks...
I seem to recall doing that during water aerobics a couple years ago, lol!
Let's make it the 29th or 30th, then. ;)
We'll have to miss the team meal, too, as it's the night after we leave. Le sigh.
Nah, we won't tell you that. Some things must simply be experienced. :icon_wink:
Perhaps if you stopped drinking benzene, you might not notice the similarity. :icon_wink: Seriously, it may be one of two things. Either...
You could do a corset and petticoat or boyshorts, or a long chemise. I've done both, and gotten away with it.
Sounds good, and my question is similar to Mike's. Will this be done in teams or couples/partners?
I second what Mike said!
I've been looking around, but haven't made any purchases yet. Since I won't see another paycheck for another month or so (the downside of...
Unless you're staying more than a week, I'd play it by ear and see how you feel once you get there.
As Chris will likely be passed out well before then, I can take a shift. ;)