A Calgary VS BC game is always great to watch
Probably best to phone them direct? But, as with all hotels world wide, making special requests doesnt mean you will for sure get the room you...
Yet another day in the mid 20's for us here. :) I think thats the high 70s in Farenheit????
One still needs to buy stuff for that. and when one gets laid off, halloween costumes take a back seat. lol. Ill just dress up as an energetic...
I am still doing my shopping. Got me some SPF 45 sunscreen, my colorful Leai, and my orange sandals. :D Unfortunately I wont be able to buy a...
They state that you are a member of Cancuncare.com. :D So in otherwords, they show that you are an ELITE. :headbanger:
SO what is the record?? This "All Hallows Eve Crew" is looking to be HUGE. :mermaid:
EASY.. GO BC LIONS!!!!!!!!!!! :huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021:
Nope, boobz cruise should be the better party. :D
Hope to see you there :)
One more topic that is up there with those. IPHONE or ANDROID. :huepfen021:
Jealous that you are even LOOKING at moving down there. :cry:
If I took a bus all the way to Hooters, I doubt I would be paying any attention to the games..... just saying. :p GO DOLPHINS
HAHAHA, im afraid id STILL be broke. ;)
Hope so, that would be great. :) Oh, and I agree with See Sun Fun. Sign up for the boobs cruise on the 29th. :D
Thank god for that. Costs twice as much to go to Cancun than vegas. if ya want big flashy casinos than go to Vegas. :aktion054::crab:
60 peeps on the cruise. :)
Thanks guys. And yeah, already all paid up, im just more worried about my bills AFTER I get back. lol.
You would have to open all the bags of food for the checks at the airport. LOL. Buffet line for the security guards. :p
Thanks Bambers. Too bad you wont be there to help curb my alcohol purchasing. LOL