Thank God for Canada Post. :D 99% reliable. Only ever lost one piece, and it was a bill, so I didnt care. lol
Walmarts the same thing. but BIGGER!!!!!!!!
HAHA.. OMG.. I read that and was like. Huh?? I dont get it.. I had to read it three times before i got it. LOL.. funny :doh:
Ao of all thos eof us that are arriving on October 26th/2012, what times are yall landing, with who are you flying and what flight number. This...
Wear the shoes and pack the sandals. :D Switch up when you get to Cancun and leaving just before you check your luggage. That way you avoid the...
Steve AINT British. He is the leader of our nation. WE IS CANCUNCAREIANS.:aktion069::pcwins::sofa:
Wow he almost turns ME on. LOL :bash: ;)
energy drinks dont work for everybody. and some brands work while others dont. For me, Red Rain seems to work the best for me.
I know this would be a weird thing for a party cruise, but peeps on the boat should observe a moment of silence at 11am in respects for...
I havent started yet, even though I have nothing but time on my hands. being laid off and all. lol. Maybe I think If i pack the time will go by...
Im gonna hafta end up buying some cheap ones. Maybe I will make my own and incorporate glowsticks. :)
Damn, now that i know they are going to try to book some single girls...... ;)
Whats this..... sexual position you speak of?? hmmm. ;)
I dunno if i should switch to this one. i would be going solo and wont have much time to meet peeps before being thrown on the all day boat trip. lol
I would only change if both cruises were the same amount of people.
6 days wooot!!!!!
They are going to Mexico. PLENTY of spanish friends they can make. :)
I dont care WHERE I get a room, all that matters is I am THERE. :D
Ive been spending most of my food money for home on stuff to take with to ttr. LOL. Next up is a securable drinking container and apparently a...
English please so us unsophisticated peeps can understand. :p