Makes my ripe age of 27 not that young now. Thanks for that. :headbanger:
Thats cause we are politely taking over the world. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, i just spent the last three hours trying to read all the threads and posting. lol.
Voted my choices, and i hope to participate in them all. dunno what im gonna be for all hallows eve though. hmmmmmm.
Wheeew!!! took so long to read through this thread. lol I will be arriving in Cancun 'noonish' on the 26th and departing the evening of the 2nd....
Is there a way for one to get an orange band for Oct 26??? :aktion033:
I will be experiencing my first from October 26- November 2. :) Cant wait. And going Solo. Wait, I booked it, and didnt even realize I would be...
Got the recommendation from my travel agent here in Vancouver Canada:flagcanada: to go to Temptations Cancun. Being a single guy traveling solo,...