We're thinking of coming in February! Looking for good prices still though...
The sports pool is ALWAYS cold!!! The sexy pool was heated last week when we were there and always was a good temperature. Warmer some days than...
I think if anything, TTR just helps self esteem. So many awesome people!
Same for us, only we thankfully didn't get any snow...
See all you awesome people at the sexy pool tomorrow!!
Chance of snow for us tomorrow with 80 degree weather predicted on Wednesday... in Cancun of course! One more lunch here tomorrow, then the next...
Ready for the cruise! [IMG]
I packed my one top just for that purpose!!!
We will be there the 19-26! Check the November roll call, and the sexy sinaholics thread!
You should make things interesting and just fly in your theme night outfits ;)
We'll definitely meet you guys this year!!! Drink alot of wet pussy shots for us ;) until we get there of course :P
I can't sleep and we still have 5 nights left... Now this is bad....
Is everyone excited?? Hope everyone likes AIWC ;)
We will have some overlapping dates!
It seems daunting at first, but honestly once you see every else is and it's really just the norm. If your still nervous... Shots shot shots! ;)
It's supposed to be a high of 35 here on the day we leave... Going to 75 in Cancun!!!
We'll be there the 19-26!!
Well I guess my outfits for those nights aren't technically lingerie... But they don't leave much to the imagination. This is my white night...