i willl take it!! down 1 lb. total of 5. have a long way to go, but i will do it!!! it makes me want it all the more with warmer weather, and...
aww man!! im excited for you guys!!! have a greeeeeeeat trip!!! im not worried i know they have pleanty of time to restock the bars by sept.!!!!...
can i sell my boss at your yard sale? i would first sell her to you, then let you collect on her!! that way when she opened her mouth i wouldnt...
yep ive had beer from other states. it will kick your butt. in utah they think if its weak enough, then you will just stop being a sinner!! no...
well thats the story of my life someone loses 10 lbs. like the hero i am i find it!!!! will just have to keep up the wiser choices while im there....
seared tuna at the asian, and those drunkin monkeys early in the day!!!
damn ive been working on my jane lately!!! oh well beer it is then, but i will be having to go pee every 2 mins. after the first couple!!
keeping up the good work today. will stay out of the kitchen at the school!! damn food calls to ya. i have my green beans and fish! yum! if no...
hey wait a min. i thought i was learning to drink well. guess i will have to try harder!! ha ha!!
hey now, everyone calm down!! there is no reason why we all cant just get plastered together and shoot off our condoms like friends!!!
well things are mocing!! down 4 lbs. will deep it up!! only 20 more to go. i think i would be safe to say 1-2 a week so by sept. i should be ok!!...
the stupid people who go looking for reasons to bad mouth ttr!!!
dont let on hater upset you guys!! some people have nothing better to do than label others in order to feel better about themselves!! dork!!
ha ha thats me every day at work!!!!!!!!!!!
:bandit:ohhhh so not fair!!!!! sad face!!!
ah 120!!! im still hopeing for 130 by sept. its a ways off, but damnit i will do it!! 3 years ago i was 130 and felt great!! need to find a pic...
yep spoken like a true utahn!!! if you arent on a mission or married by 12 then going on vac. with a boyfriend already has a stigma! my real...
eek snow!! yuk, have had enough of that shi.. to last awhile now. really looking forward to more spring weather!!! my fav time of year!!
youll make it m!! working on it! glad to hear people are making thiere goals!! anything is possible! keep going!!
have a good summer lined up, so dont want to wish it away!! but we always get excited to go back to ttr!!!