a boobs cruise for us would be better anytime before 1sr, or 2nd we leave on the 2nd, so i dont want to be hung over that bad flying home! we are...
ive always found cheify on rye pretty good myself!! never leave out the pickle!
ha ha!! now that would be something indeed!! i could just imagine how the menu could read when ordering. too funny! you guys seem like alot of...
we would like to order a couple as well.
yes that would be fine.
i think dressing nice for the rest. is the way to go. they do sell lightwieght linen pants that wouldnt be too hot. but i understand nice dress...
humm dows it taste like plain vodka? dont think i could shoot plain vodka! but if its flavored well could try.
let the count down begin!!! hope your ticker dont give out!!
how much, and what!! strawberry margaritas sound really good for this sat. and even better with real whipped cream on top!! bad thoughts bad...
way to go!! it really makes ya feel good dont it!
like it steve!! very very fitting!!
sure looks to be a large group!! come on m glenn you guys get your butts in gear!! you need to be there!! we will be happy to see alot of our...
i think that is a reasonable goal. even if you stall a litlle, the closer to the goal mark you get, it would still be a great feat!!! go for it!!
well feeling better than i have in the past. wieght is slowly coming off. getting the hormones in order is a big part of it. those things play...
well at least im down 6 lbs. slow but need to work out. both hubby and i are hating the 3 digit temps. right now. it really does make it hard to...
thats even worse than thinking its thurs when its only tues. you could of waited to correct me!!! or we could just go on the 17th ha ha ha
chiefboy and kmontoya will be there!! oct 17th - nov. 2nd woohoo!
ah no!!!! i eat salad all the time when im there! i hope it wont be an issue in oct. i guess for health sakes, i will have to stick to cheese...
getting really excited for halloween and its barely summer!!! havent been during this time but from reports and pics. looks to be a blast!! alot...
sorry about your difficulties. its strange what life throws at us when we least expect it. stay strong, and remember that your are well...