lon & rose. see you are there befor us you can get the first round of drinks in. same here meeting you 2
hi guys . we are in the uk and we payed 2300 uk pounds for 14 days which in us dollers is 3700 thats flights as well .which we think is a good...
hi lonrose. we are there from 6th -20th and looking forward to it big time. so will look out for you. dan & jill
hi goofy we are there from the 6th -20th hope to see you there
hi guys not long now 3 weeks for all to party see you soon
goofy hi guys hope all ok with you both 3 weeks till we are there still looking forward to meeting you 2
3 weeks to go and the drinks are still on us
hi trev an beli .we are the same as you cant wait only 4 weeks hope we bump in to you
hi guys . looks like we will have to sit round the pool haveing our own fun with some beers then . what dates are you two there
hi all. hope you are all haveing fun and looking forward to your boob cruise, we wouild have loved to go on 1 but jill and boats dont get on, so...
gogo blanco. love your comment but make you right
thanks guys for all your replys seems best to pay it in pasos thanks again
eddie an mark.lets hope that you 2 are not working to hard , as it,s only 5 weeks to go till we can relax we hope. we get in on the 6th 1 day...
hi trev and deb . just found out if you book virgin or ba you dont pat it as you say its in with your flight
hi all we are from the uk.and we will be there in october. thay say we can only pay departure tax in pesos or uk pounds then someone said you can...
hi denny an kim. thanks for that part of the deal . lol dan an jill
hi joe an lucinda hope all ok with you 2 . thanks for the advice will keep that in mind.looking forward to meeting you 2 . dan an jill
hi denny an kim thanks for getting back to us . but we dont get there till the 6th but we will look out for you and hope we can meet up but the...
we are there from the 6th -20th oct for the first time. we was reading reports about single guys with no respect towards women. but as thay say...
hi guys when dates are you at ttr we are there on the 6th oct if you are there be nice to meet up . dan and jill