hi paul & pat , you 2 have a safe filght with you friends and we will see you on monday have fun .
hi all first time me and dan did it was in the back of his rolls , took off all the stocking and every thing that go,s with it left it all in the...
hi guys. see you on the 6th keep that pool side seat warm for us
hi all can someone tell us what the green light is at cancun airport please
all you lucky guys leaveing today have a good flight as we sitll have 4 days to go , still look on the bright side we get there 0n the 6th and...
hi guys looking at your photos very nice, what room was you in with that photo over looking the pool and ocean as it looks perfect for us.
5 days to go cant wait to meet you guys that i have chated to on here , plus makeing new friends as we are first time virgins,
hi guys hope you are all looking forward to be getting away in the next few days like us. question , lingerie and casino night do the girls have...
7 days to go and jill has not got half of her stuff yet so out shopping today.
just looked at weather forcast for october looks very wet , so it should be good for the ducks
blanco thanks for that bit of info as we fly out in 10 days time
sounds good hope she has it put on her back as she will be great to dance with
hi guys whos birthday is it on the 8th as jills is on the 11th
hi all. think im haveing a pensoiners moment, can someone please tell us what the the toy exchange is about and what go,s on,
has not stopped raining here in uk instead of us getting tans we, go rusty.
hi guido. got no prob there just start a TTR pensioner,s club ,then you can have bingo round the sexy pool,then ac/dc at night in pato,s .to be...
hi julz. what dates are you there in oct we are there 6th-20th if your there between them dates be nice to meet you.
hi mark. only 17 days for us cant wait ,look forward to seeing you round the pool as well .
what a pair of dick heads not like whaching someone getting cream licked off them that cpl sound like thay only have sex twice a year,i bet he...
hi goofy we are there 6th -20th oct