Joe are we going to do a pink day this year.
thanks guys for pointing out my spelling mistake as you say it should have said vow .im glad you all had a good laugh at my spelling. thanks for...
thanks for you replys but we don't understand what all these letters meen a e I o u when renewing your wedding vowels.
Hi has anyone had a wedding blessing( wedding renewal of vowels ) at Temptation, if so how did you do it and was it expensive
we went there our first year to market 28 its more of a fle market evry one in your face trying to sell you something
hi rob &liz. long time since we chatted hope you are all ok . see you are going back to ttr this year it would great seeing you both again we...
joe an Lucinda, we cant wait to see you 2 on friday then Shannon 11th then the tequila king mo on the 12th then party time.
Mo what you on about save some tequila for you your frighted I might drink it all
freckles&shadwell you will have a great time with all us wedgies but keep away from mo,s tequila
Mo I wonder that should be interesting to see
beth and brian just crash any group we are all hear to party as you no people here are always friendly .
I can see shannons face now .with me and mo walking round with pink bows in our hair he would love it .
all you first timers you will have a great time. the people there are so friendly to party with.
mr mrs kimo when you get there ask a member of staff to brake it down for you when you get there thay did for us last year
MO your right there about goofy running round the deck with his little peace of junk hanging out your right no one would see it . cant wait...
Hi guys only 21 days to go till we see your smiling faces can't wait xx
Hi guy hope all ok with you both not long now so looking forward to seeing you both &jo & mo and new friends as well. It's jill birthday on the...
hi paul & pat not long now for you guys to start partying . will be looking out for you on the 6th oct .dan& jill
6 weeks cant wait and looking forward to seeing our old friends
who gives a shit we are all there to enjoy our selfs smoking or no smoking