[IMG] [IMG] security [IMG]
he was on my flight.. lol his security wouldn't let us take pics, so we took pics at customs & immigration! I have a few others lol
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] def don't have a crush on the english boys.. ;) lol [IMG] [IMG]
Ill be there March 4th week!!
Im stuck doing the first week of march next year.. well I think March 4... thats when Joshs school spring break is, and we picked vacations from...
Yay! Maybe more girls are there too because of the UK jersey shore? Ha.. who knows!
there is a place here that is just as good as SB, except they are more tex mex! So im fortunate enough to have a delicious meal at home too!!...
^^ that was pretty rude of you... if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all..
We arrive at the CUN airport around noonish tuesday.. :) maybe ill see you in customs! ha
Tuesday at noon ill finally be in the nice weather!! yes! its always packed!!
exactly one week for me! :)
Damn.. I coulda used that if I would have waited lol! when does it expire?
Next Tuesday for me.. well not this coming Tues, but the following.. um.. about 10 days and a few hours! lol!!
10?! lol! Geeze! I don't drink much at home.. maybe a fuzzy navel here and there... but almost everytime I go out, i'm the DD, since I don't like...
I'll have to get contact information! FB me!!
we beetter have a girls night.. +nico when I arrive! haha
ah shoot! I gave them your number!!
Either way, its super convenient not having to walk up to a bar, and wait for a sex on the beach! Get a pitcher of sex on the beach, mix your own...
I have unlimited data.. but Im positive it won't be free outside of US. Plus, after I reach my 4GB, my speeds slow down.. but, i've never even...