<<<<<< marccch!!
see you there, blue surf! are you going to make it to our get together?
I guess I should pack up and move down there then! lol.
lol. :) can't wait!! you bringing your hooters attire again? I thought that was hilarious!
52 more days for me.. can't..wait.. :) So excited for a girls week! No boys to bother us, no drama... just drinking and sun tanning all week ! :)
Another PA! yay :):) Too bad your going so early.. all the cool people are coming at the end, lol!
@Jamie, we arrive the 20th.. are you guys going out on your last night? We should all meet up.. maybe a mid afternoon drinking session at frogs or...
ughh... we need more girllls!!!
Ash, are you guys male/female ! We need more girls up here!!
It might.. I prefer luxury.. so I loved it there.. when your on vacation, money should be no object!
you girls better come.. we need more girls! :)
Norma, your sping break lasts from mid feb-april! lucky girl!
Nope, not until May! He has school so he can't go!
house music is awesome ;)
dcon.. you comin down this year?!
its almsot adults only.. i stayed last year in april.. not much of a "party" like college parties, but very relaxed elegant feel.. there were lots...
don't worry, we will be there.. we are both under 120lbs.. ! hhaha
Haha :) Your awesome, Steve!! Can't wait... I need sun in my life!