LMAO that is great!!!!!!
and its def worth seeing!!!!!!!!!! i better be gettin a phone call this time on voddie night sir :lol:
nope we wont be there :( sad times for sure..... I'm applying for a study abroad program in Paris France for a month this summer, & mandy...
JASON!!!! i am so extremely happy for you, you finally get to go to England!!!! you will have an amazing time, lol i know so!!!!! cant wait till...
lol so BC are you paying for me to go hahahahaha or will you just be satisfied with us doing a road trip..... whiskey pong will happen LOL
yea you fly to lhr or lgw... which arent that far away from london, i think like 20mins by train? gatwick is a lil further out than heathrow, its...
hahahahahahah sounds like you all had a blast!!!!
aawwww you know i have nothing but luv for ya! Have a good time in chitown! lucky!!!!!
hhahaha jason, he requested it... :-D
LMAO did i hit u? i mean if so my bad, but there were 4 ppl in that damn bed...
yea i do that pretty often cant help it sorry lol j/p
lol :) good one....
lol some werent oldddd but the gramma of the group was loving you hardcore...
lol oh andrew! i think you might make it out to the deep end next time, but i think the wave pool took its toll on you since you passed out in the...
as long as you can get the doggie paddle down, your in decent shape!!!! :)
my texts and voicemails are awesome to wake up to andrew! and you know it.... no sense to be made but hey.... lol joe usually gets most of my...
your going jason, and that is that.... its final, no if's and's or but's about it..... and like you said.... we are all gonna be there!!!!!!!!!!!!...
lol with so many ppl going they make the money up, and ppl still buy shots and tip the bartenders well!!! just double fist all night and your set!!!!
LOL waking up in a horse barn, yea nooooooo way.... lol greta i understand the drive to louisville.... its so boring... $5 AUCD is amazing! lol...
fo sho!!!! the ville is a lil bigger than lex, and more bars (4th street live, remember me telling you about that henry, lol!) lexington is more...