WWWOOOOOHHHOOOOOOO i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
YYYYAAAAAYYYYYYYY :D IM SO EXCITEDDD!!!!! i got your text this morning sorry i didnt respond LOL i was still shitttyyyyy
hahahah blonde ambition tooo funny!!!!!!! were gonna have a great time!!!
lol i think the oasis.... up to cindyb! im so rooming with her and alexis!!! :) were gonna have so much funnnn!
march 7th-14th YAAAYYY!!!! we gotta hang outtt!!!! :)
hahahaha hammieJ when you going?!
hahahaha ok ok goshhhh bc LOL WOOT!!!!! i need some cancun in my life asap!!!!!
yeaaaaa i semi sorta remember that! bumping into yall in the hotel LOL henry was smashed!!! mmmm grey goose yummmm...... i totally thought the...
awwww fletchyyyy :blush: hahahah andrew.... lol cmon for real tho... we should see if we can get a layover in houston together again and get...
eeeewwwwwww LMAO no wayyy!!!!!!!!
im excited!!!!! i didnt do the CC party last year, but i met most of you all anyways!!!!! excited to see everyone again!!!! cindy b- when you...
hope you have a good birthday :-D
just think of any contest you have ever seen before on spring break and thats what you have on the booze cruise.... and like jason said... your...
i soooo wanna do that at some point!!! it would be so awesome!!!! im down :)
yeaaa i wasnt really a fan of basic... and bulldogs was small... so if you dont plan on going to the clubs they offer i wouldnt go with the party...
hahahah yea slices was a piece of heaven! memo hooked up up with free drinks ahahahahahha we went there before the Akon concert..... you can...
good plan henry hahahah ill see her thursday after classes and chat her up about... shes my best bet for a person to have the money lol that would...
yea i know you can buy a party package on studentcitys website even if you dnot book with em.... we got it last year cuz we did book through...
yea that plane ride home was rough.... ours was like a few hours after the booze cruise LOL notttt a fun time at the airport.... you'll get '"the...
i might have a picture of you passed out actually andrew LOL one of the best nights everrr!!!! :lol: