LMAO omg wow tooo funny.... not only did he pass out in the limo to the club, he passed out on the way to BCs b4 we even left to go out that...
jeeeez BC thought we had an agreement to dance this time LMAO goshhhh LOL
aaawwww rikib wish u were going!!!!!! bummer! ill def drink the hell outta some supermans for you LOL
me and BC will be there!!!! :D
oh fletch of course your invited!!!!! silly....
love the discription hahahah
YYYAAAYYYYY cant wait for this party!!! :D
im ready to go just not ready to pack hahaha i still wanna add some items :) 45 shirts.... thats uhm a bunch HAHAHAHA bring ur playboy wedges TEHEHEH
obviously hahahaahahah bc and i will be drinkin in atl before we head to cancun... aaahhh the memories of us meeting up in TX to vegas lol
me either hahaah bring it on!!!!!!
See you guys on the 7th!!!! :D group dinner once joe, henry and andrew arrive woooohhhoooo cant wait to see my vegas crew again.... aawww minus...
hahah 19 pairs, jesus... i prolly wouldnt bring all 19 just ones that you would actually wear all i took with me was a white and brown pair...
hahahah wow fletch!
i wore nothing but my heels and wedges last year... i was fine in em... and they came back home in good shape still :) all mine will be taken...
YYYAAAAYYYYYY im so excited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to partyyyy :D
hahahah that game was awesomeeee!!!! i never played it while in cancun, but did when i was in england lol
22!!!! am i the baby of the group? lol
hahaha just for u henry!
during the day if your going into town prolly something casual like a jean skirt and tank top.... if not yuu will most likely be spending a lot of...
YYYAAAAYYYY party party party!!!!!! 1 month woot!!!!!!!