Well I already know what I look like naked, it's the rest of you that'll suffer so go ahead at your own risk lol
Now I can agree with that! Once I had a waiter at a restaurant in Market 28 serve me while he was wearing a Rider T-shirt his cousin had sent...
if you play your cards right it'll only be 2800 for the whole month! add in another $50 for tips and you're golden!
I totally get that you want to feel like a rock star on your trip. But you need to keep in perspective that the staff treats everyone there like...
Additionally the level of service is very good even with a regular wristband. If you're going to be waited on hand and foot you're going to the...
i'm a geologist so that's gotta be good for something right?
Whenever there's a loophole it eventually gets closed.
So there's this company that built me a shack, off the grid in the mountains...
if you guys are outgoing you'll be fine!
Talk to me about!!! Kidding Donald, Steve's rules make sense to keep this place from becoming a billboard of spam. And yes you're right the...
The only thing I'd add is even if a picture of your wife sneaks out onto the net of her topless just keep in perspective that unless they know you...
I don't know if you work downtown but there's a good currency exchange place on Stephen Ave. between 1st and 2nd st. S.W. that I've used before to...
In the event that a lady is deemed to be too risque or even naked by security I have given them standing instructions to escort them directly to...
I've seen some groups get into it a bit. Depends on the crowd I guess.
If you don't get the duty free ones on the way in, it's worth the extra trip to Walmart or at least a store located away from the hotel zone...
Good luck to anyone in the path of that monster. Hopefully it pushes inland fast and loses strength quickly!
It's served as part of the Boobs Cruise.
Try the Running Buffet for your birthday. People can't stop talking about it!
It definitely can be a tough crowd, but I also understand Steve's point of view. At the end of the day his costs are going to be affected by...
I had a hangover the day after one of your cruises Steve, and I ended up missing some of the following day while convalescing in my room. I think...