I should also add that we upgraded to the Seduction suite when we were told no problem but unfortunately didn't have them write it into the contract
Previously we were told by premier staff that having a third person join us in our room would be no problem as it's done all the time. Finally our...
Its been too cool here to even go swimming yet :(, think that I have had shorts on twice so far this year. Once was a lame attempt at working on...
I am packed (I think). If you could pack one thing that isn't already listed below what would it be??
I've never been asked to put on pasties or cover up when wearing sheer, mesh or lace. I have seen women sent to put on panties though.
The 22nd will be our last night there :(
This will be my first "June Junkies" trip as well...….hope I can handle them lol …..or maybe hope that I can't ;)
I am 16 days out and I am ALL packed already :marshe:
Watch for the hat, first drinks are on me!!!!
What about Dr? Nurse? Paramedic? Fire Fighter? Police?
I'll be hitting up the Mexican restaurant for some onion rings and ribs!!!! :p
We usually go mid to end of Nov and always have a great time. Last year we overlapped with 3 different groups, the Chaos Crew, Balls Deep and a...
I too am a repeat offender bringing a TTR virgin ;) June 18-24
All troubles are to be left at the airport upon departure and can be picked up on the return!!! lol I am from Alberta and my friend is from...
That's our plan!!!!! mwahahahahahah
Me & my bestie are coming unsupervised June 18-23 :marshe:
That's a good question!!!!! o_O
|Camrose area AB returning to my happy place June 18-24 with my bestie from Brantford ON
TTR is by far my most favorite place on earth!!!! Sounds like we are after the same kind of good times!!!! Look forward to meeting you guys
TTR is my favorite place on this earth!! You guys will have a blast I am sure!! A couple of my best friends I met at TTR!!