I didnt hear it either... Sounds like a Pitbull wanna be lol
Vegas is nice.... Been there 2 times but it is nothing like CANCUN :P
hahaha look at that dude next to you trying to flex his back out......... If you cant show ur front lol dont show ur back
Rammed? lol
I stayed at the Grand Oasis this year it was pretty quiet inside all the time... Until you walked out by the oasis pool...
Glad to see you healed well.. Your face is the most quickest at healing otherwise if it were somewhere else it could of still been bad.
Woah ur finally back lol... I remember meeting up with you the first day you got there lol.. And you said you can tell this year is going to be...
Ya that akon was wayy to packed even though I was as far as i could get in the front and slid the bartender 50 bucks and he was giving me full...
The grand had like 1 or 2 more sit down places where they served you instead of a buffet.... And those places were probably the best places to eat...
Hahaha I remember tip sitting on the stairs.... We were laughing at the people that couldnt get up to the top............
I think i was more clean when i was in the ocean then my shower lol
I would book now but i am going to wait for THE MAIN WEEK for sure....
I am so close to just booking another trip for a week there again this year lool....
I feel GREAT... I guess i didnt get it... BUT PISSED OFF I WANNA GO BACK NOW!!!!
I stayed at the grand as well and it was nice... But the damn water smelled. :( Rooms were pretty big and as far as oasis lol these girls didnt...
Lol I wish i could close my eyes and wakeup in CANCUN all over again.. 2009 here i come
The White Party I went to was at Basic.... And it was crazy packed....
As soon as the peak week Dates are released.... I WILL BOOK :P
I was at the white party at basic.... It WAS NUTS and soo packed... There is one way in that place and one way out which is not good..... The line...
What a week... It was awesome