About 6-7 days Steve for delivery to Canada Rhonda order some dresses from them last sunday and the arrived here the following friday which is...
We agree with you guys...forever sounds great..lol Now back to reality, our first stay was for 7nights which to us wasn't long enough. Our last 3...
We arrive around the same time looking forward to meeting you 1st. round is on us...lol
Don t worry we ll have the misses forgeting all about her jet lag...lol :lotsofmichaelfs:
Looking forward to meeting and partying with you both
Can't miss Ang's B day party :birthday: Count 2 of us in for the 25th
Merry Chistmas to all and cant wait for week 8 and to meet you all Cheers Rhonda and Glenn
Lots of naked bodies in the pool last year ;)
[ame=[media]]Pitbull - Don't Stop The Party ft. TJR - YouTube Ahh Yes this is it ;)
LOL Lenni...Been there done that. as far fas these girls making my day when wewere younger...lol
We'll see you there We arrive Feb 22- March 4.
Isn't it called a Drunky Monkey? I think the Chunky Monkey is what happens if you drink to many of them..lol
Sounds good Eryn...lol Thats why we booked saved $400.00 from last year Cant wait to see you both again
Were booked Feb 22-Mar 4 Now for the countdown...lol
Can't get here fast enough Were looking at feb.22 arrival date
Hi there Glad to here things are going well, we havent talked about it yet but will be trying to go back around the same time next year(Feb)....
No snow but still cold and not nearly as warm as Cancun...lol
Stewie!!! LOL it was great meeting you both and hope to see you guys again next year Hopefully for more than two days...lol
Yes we miss you guys already :( Cant wait to see you both again.
Eyrn there you are ...lol