Should be good with polo shirts, that’s what I wear along with a couple short sleeved ones also
Better to get some before you leave you’ll get a better rate of exchange But they can also exchange at the reception desk, at least they use to....
Look up the Shitshow posts below Shitshow 2020 ----> February 15-22 You’ll find a list of theme nights there
We ate there last year and the food was excellent You need to reserve the hibachi table though Worth the experience
We’ll be there till the 23rd
Welcome to “The Shitshow”
So can the 3rd and the
37 days Brent 40 and you miss your
Looking forward to meeting you both Lots of amazing people here You’ll have a great time
What about a poll? See which ones people are most interested in and any other ideas people may have?
A lot of times when larger groups get together, they have there own theme nights as a way of knowing who is in the group and a great way to meet...
Kim and Glenn Feb 13 to 23rd NBC/ Shitshow crossover Boob cruise: Maybe
13th to the 23rd for Kim and I
Oh yeah Kim would love to rock the white dress
We’ve been NBC week for the past couple of years this year we’re straddling both weeks as well Can’t wait to get back and see old friends and a...
It’s posted on the Facebook page of the group
Yes they do but I believe unless your a member or staying in the tower, there’s still a fee
Maybe there needs to be a Shitshow party up there one day?
They make them at TTR for sure...started every morning with a couple. Even brought our own rimmer which the bartenders used for
Just booked today Feb 13 till 23rd 3rd NBC crossover Shitshow