We'll be down there the same time as you, but only for 7 days... Thought I'd send a friendly Hi from a Pittsburgh couple. :)
Trip number 21??? You don't like Temptations very much, do you??? :D
Ahh hell... I'm a nice guy so drinks are on us all week...! You guys can cover the tips, right? :D
Muy bueno... Bonita chica... Sounds good guys. We're looking to pop our Temptations 'cherry' with the most memorable week we've ever had......
We get there on the 4th for the whole week so we def will be there when u guys are. :) This is our first time there and in Cancun so we're...
Well... we smoke our tobacco (she in cigarettes, me in cigar form), we do have a taste for moonshine and we'll swap your 'homie stories' for our...
I know EVERYONE is headed to Temptations to study debauchery but I was thinking about trying to get some fishing in, you know, to help with the...
I'll send a 'Shout' to the West Virginians... :) As for Moonshine, bluegrass and skinny dipping... Hell, 2 outta 3 ain't bad...!
Confucious say... Panties not the best thing on earth... but next to it...! ;)
Buenas Dias... We'll be there the same time as you guys so I thought I'd send a friend request... Gracias. :D
We can't wait to get there & meet everyone... We've heard that alot of people end up going the same time every year and we'd love to get to that....
We'll be there the same time as you guys, thought I'd send a friend request... :D
I'm with you too... I sent a FaceBook message asking if they had a cigar store with more than a wetnap as a hygrometer and they told me that I...
The floor is ALWAYS the best place for sexy panties... ;)
Thanks for the friend request... Wow, sexy pics! More than a handful... is always a good thing.
We'll be there Oct 4-11 and if you look around- there's plenty of us 'first weekers' in here... :)
Temptations Virgins... Who wants to pop our cherries...? ;) Hi there and thanks for stopping by our little slice of Mexico. We're new to...
Temptation Virgins Here... Visiting for the first time on Oct 4th thru the 11th... Can't wait to get out of Pittsburgh and GO DOWN SOUTH...! I...